1. The speech in response to the student's address was rendered by Gokhale at the Victoria Hall in
2. ________ said, 'Don't let anyone tell you 'You can't do it!''
3. 'The duty to Yourself is two fold', said
4. Which of the following is a poem?
5. 'Envy is ignorance and imitation is suicide'
The above are the words of
6. The Monolith, Yaanai Malai looks like an elephant only when it is viewed from this direction
7. Identify the poem in which the following lines occur
You loved me with a never-failing love
You gave me strength and sweet security'
8. Identify the odd pair
9. What is the name of the British born poetess who wrote 'Women's Rights'?
10. Read the lines and select the correct answer from the options given below
'How often I think of going
there, to peer through.......'
Where does Kamala Surayya think of going?